
As we age, the collagen and fibrous connective tissues that support our skin’s natural structure begin to break down, leading to volume loss. Fortunately, there are non-invasive treatments designed to address volume loss. One of our favorites is BellaFill®, an FDA approved dermal filler that can restore lost facial volume, and improve wrinkles, acne scarring, and deep facial creases. Though dermal fillers are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, it’s important to select a qualified provider for excellent results.

Banish Smile Lines with BellaFill® Injections in Montgomery County

Typically, when people want to minimize wrinkles, they turn to filler rejuvenation treatments, but they only last for 6 to 9 months. Our patients enjoy a more permanent volume restoration solution with Bellafill®, along with the following advantages:

  • Instant results: Since the injectable is composed of 80% bovine collagen, injections offer a smoother, brighter, and more youthful appearance immediately following your Bellafill® session.
  • Lasts for years: Polymethyl methacrylate microspheres(PMMA) present in collagen are injected deep beneath the skin to rebuild its natural structure. The microspheres help your body absorb collagen, improve the volume, and achieve results that are visible for over 5 years.
  • Fades acne scars: Recently approved by the FDA to treat moderate to severe atrophic facial acne scars, BellaFill® produces impressive results in just 2 treatments. BellaFill® requires fewer sessions than other injectable procedures, longevity, and zero downtime.
  • Comfortable session: Because BellaFill® contains 0.3% lidocaine, treatments are generally well tolerated by our clientele. Patients can resume regularly scheduled activities immediately following BellaFill® injections.

BellaFill®– The Long-Term Filler that Benefits Everyone!

BellaFill’s success and unique versatility are due to its one of a kind composition and anti-aging benefits. The collagen filler is the only FDA approved injectable containing PMMA. The substance jump-starts your body’s natural collagen production and creates fuller skin over a period of just three months. BellaFill® injections in Montgomery and Bucks County are suitable for males and females over the age of 21 who are affected by wrinkles or acne scarring. Pennsylvania Aesthetic Dermatologist and top 3% ExpertInjectorTM Dr. Margo Weishar MD, performs all BellaFill® cosmetic injections herself, producing maximum results with minimal risks.

BellaFill® Treatments and Recovery Time

The treatment plan for BellaFill® injections is contingent upon the patient’s skin concern(s) and desired results. Depending on the depth of the wrinkle or acne scar, one to two treatments are generally required. Each BellaFill® session is complete in only 20 minutes and offers immediate improvement. There is no downtime associated with this non-surgical skin rejuvenation option, but slight bruising and swelling may occur.

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Choose Springhouse Dermatology and Aesthetics for your BellaFill® Injections

Since any injectable creates a risk, it’s important to receive treatment from a qualified healthcare professional who is focused on cosmetic dermatology. Dr. Weishar is the leading dermatologist providing BellaFill® in the Montgomery County and Bucks County area. The Speaker for Cutera Lasers has the background and proven experience to help safely minimize smile lines and acne scars with BellaFill®. Contact our office at 215-542-0655 with any further questions you have about BellaFill® or to book a consultation.
Top Doctors 2019 - Dr. Margo Weishar
Written By:
Dr. Margo Weishar
Board Certified Dermatologist, Montgomery County

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