Laser Tattoo Removal - The Ultimate Solution To Remove Old Tattoos Banner
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Using the latest in laser technology, our experienced professionals at Springhouse Dermatology can help you get rid of your old tattoos quickly and easily, with minimal discomfort and downtime.

What is Enlighten Tattoo Removal?

Before and After TATTOO REMOVAL Treatment

With the growing popularity of tattoos, “tattoo regret” is also becoming more prevalent. Fortunately, there have been recent advances in tattoo removal technology that make it easier than ever to remove an unwanted tattoo! Springhouse Dermatology is now offering tattoo removal using the enlighten™ laser to make the process quick, painless, and safe! enlighten™ uses high-power picosecond laser pulses to target the ink and break down the pigment, making for a more thorough removal in less time.

Tattoo Removal 101



Enlighten laser tattoo removal is the most sophisticated tattoo removal device currently available, often requiring fewer treatments and providing a more comfortable experience than the average device. This laser targets and shatters the pigment deposited in the skin, making it small enough for the body to break down and remove. Depending on the size and color of the tattoo, a series of treatments is required to fully treat the area. Every tattoo is different, and we are prepared with methods to help speed up the process, treat different colors, and make the treatment as comfortable as possible.

What to Expect

What to Expect:

  • On the day of the treatment, we will administer local numbing medicine to the tattooed area. Patients also have the option of using our ProNox anesthesia device, and Zimmer cooling system to increase comfort levels.
  • The laser treatment can be uncomfortable, especially in the early treatments when the tattoo ink is very dense. Patients describe a sharp, snapping sensation, however, we take all measures to make you as comfortable as possible.
  • Different colors and types of ink respond differently to laser treatment. Colored tattoos are more difficult to treat, with yellow being the most resistant.
  • After treatment, the area will be sore and tender. We recommend patients keep the area covered while the skin heals and goes through a scabbing process.
  • Patients will return every 8 weeks for treatment until they are satisfied with the results.
Pre-Treatment Instructions

Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • Patients are encouraged to arrive 15 minutes early for numbing and may choose to add on Pro-Nox, the Zimmer cooling system, or the DeScribe patch.

Ready to book or just have a question? Our team is here to help!

More About Pico Laser (Picoseconds) Tattoo Removal Technology

One advantage of picosecond lasers is that they can create extremely short light pulses with little heat generation. This is because the energy from the laser is absorbed very quickly by the tissue, so there is less time for the tissue to heat up. Picosecond laser tattoo removal technology can quickly break down the tattoo ink into much smaller particles, which are then removed by the body’s immune system. This tattoo removal technology is much faster than traditional lasers and requires fewer treatments to achieve desired results.

Tattoo Removal Before And After Photos

Tattoo removal is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. Every year, thousands of people decide to remove their tattoos, and the results can be quite astonishing.

Check out our before and after photos to get an idea of what to expect during your own treatment. At our clinic, we use the latest laser technology to help you achieve the best possible results.

VIEW OUR Before & After Results

skin of patient 1 - before and after Tattoo Removal
skin of patient 2 - before and after Tattoo Removal

*Results may vary.

Meet Dr. Margo Weishar | Laser Tattoo Removal Expert

Dr. Weishar is a highly respected leader in the field of dermatology and is regarded by many as the best dermatologist in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Dr. Weishar is double board-certified in both cosmetic dermatology and internal medicine and has been nominated for numerous awards by her peers, including Philadelphia Magazine’s Top Doctor Award from 2018-2022. A graduate of Pennsylvania University with a medical degree, Dr. Weishar completed her internal medicine residency at Tufts and her dermatology residency at Weill Cornell Medicine before becoming the Clinical Associate Professor at Pennsylvania University Hospital. In addition to her professional achievements, Dr. Weishar is also a member of the American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery (ASLMS) and has been awarded the Top 3% ExpertinjectorTM designation. If you are looking for exceptional care from a world-renowned dermatologist, look no further than Dr. Margo Weishar at Springhouse Dermatology & Aesthetics in Montgomery County, PA.

From Our Instagram Feed

Watch Instagram Video: Excited to be the first in #philly to offer the new #cuteraenlighten laser to painlessly zap away ink in half the time

How Does Tattoo Removal Work?

Every tattoo is unique, and so is the individual treatment required to remove one. Many factors can determine the exact treatment needed to remove a tattoo, including color, placement, and size. Color is one of the greatest variables in determining the length of treatment required, from black and red being some of the easiest colors to remove, to harder colors to remove such as blue and green, up to some of the most difficult colors such as yellow. Once the tattoo has been assessed by Dr. Weishar, the area will be cleansed to ensure optimal results. Once protective eyewear is in place, Dr. Weishar will demonstrate the sensation of the laser on a test area of the skin before carrying on, making several passes with the laser over the tattooed area. The process may take as little as 15 minutes, with the patients experiencing minor discomfort (often described as a rubber band snap against the skin). Following treatment, the patient will be provided with a cold compress to soothe any lasting discomfort.

How To Prepare For Tattoo Removal

First, avoid sun exposure before your appointment to minimize the risk of complications and ensure that the treatment is as effective as possible. Second, you should shave the treatment area before your appointment. This will help the laser target the ink more effectively. Finally, you should avoid using any products that contain retinoids or alpha-hydroxy acids in the weeks leading up to your treatment. These products can make the skin more sensitive and increase the risk of side effects.

Does Tattoo Removal Hurt?

Most people report feeling only mild discomfort during Enlighten tattoo removal treatments. The laser targets ink pigments with high precision, so the surrounding skin is not affected. This minimizes the risk of pain and skin damage. However, some people may experience more discomfort than others. If you have low pain tolerance, your doctor may recommend a topical anesthetic to help minimize discomfort during treatments.

Does Tattoo Removal Leave Scars?

No, Enlighten tattoo removal will not leave scars. In fact, the technology is so advanced that it can remove even the deepest and darkest of ink colors with little to no damage to the skin. So, if you’re looking for a completely safe and effective way to remove your unwanted tattoos, Enlighten is the perfect solution!

Tattoo Removal After Care

After your Enlighten tattoo removal treatment, it is important to protect your skin from the sun. Be sure to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and avoid direct sunlight for at least four weeks. You should also avoid swimming, soaking in a hot tub, or using a sauna during this time. You may experience blistering and scabbing in the area following the treatment, which we encourage you to keep moist and covered. It is also important to avoid picking or scratching at the treated area, as this could cause scarring. After four weeks, you can resume all normal activities.

When Will I See The Tattoo Removal Results?

Typically a tattoo requires multiple treatment sessions in order to reach the ink that is deposited deep in the skin. In many cases, patients will begin to see the tattoo fading immediately! Beginning results can be seen after just one treatment though multiple should be expected, with the ultimate result of a removal session being visible in 2-4 weeks. Any redness or swelling that may present following treatment is temporary, and there is zero downtime before you are able to return to day-to-day activities!

Will I Experience Any Laser Tattoo Removal Side Effects?

The most common side effect of Enlighten tattoo removal is temporary redness and swelling at the treatment site. This is normal and will resolve within a few days. In some cases, blistering or scabbing may occur. These side effects are typically mild and will resolve on their own.

Enlighten Tattoo Removal Cost

The Enlighten laser system is the most advanced tattoo removal system on the market, and as such, it comes with a higher price tag. The average cost of Enlighten tattoo removal is $500-$1000 per treatment. However, the exact cost will vary depending on the size, color, and location of your tattoo. Some tattoos may require more treatments and may cost more.

Dr. Weishar - Expert Tattoo Removal Service

Springhouse Dermatology | Your Expert Tattoo Removal Service Provider

If you’re interested in getting rid of your unwanted tattoo, the first step is to contact Springhouse Dermatology. We will provide you with a consultation to assess your tattoo and determine if Enlighten tattoo removal is right for you. Call us today to get started!

Why Springhouse Dermatology?

  • Two decades of experience with laser treatments.
  • In-depth knowledge and understanding of laser technology.
  • Dr. Weishar is a Cutera luminary and trainer to other physicians.

Accelerate Your Healing With Describe Patch Tattoo Removal

Springhouse Dermatology and Aesthetics is thrilled to also offer the DeScribe Patch to enhance your tattoo removal! This specially designed patch adds additional protection to the skin, and effectiveness to the laser treatment. Patients who elect to add the DeScribe Patch will be able to increase the number of passes of the laser in one sitting, up to 4 times as many! This can decrease the number of treatments needed and produce faster results. The DeScribe Patch also allows the laser to target more stubborn tattoo ink, and to penetrate more deeply, resulting in faster healing and less time between sessions. Ask for the DeScribe Patch when you schedule your tattoo removal!

Is There Tattoo Removal Near Me?

Springhouse Dermatology offers tattoo removal using the enlighten™ laser system. If you’re interested in getting rid of your unwanted tattoo, this state-of-the-art technology quickly and safely breaks down the pigment of your tattoo, making for a thorough removal in less time. So if you’re ready to get rid of that unwanted ink, give us a call today! We’ll be happy to answer any of your questions and get you started on the path to tattoo-free skin. We are located in Philadelphia, PA. To schedule a consultation, please call us at (215) 542-0655.


How Many Sessions To Remove Tattoo?

The number of treatments necessary for tattoo removal depends on many factors. The size, color, and location of the tattoo will all play a role in how many sessions are needed. Most tattoos can be removed with 4-6 treatments. However, some tattoos may require more treatments depending on the individual case.

Can green tattoos be removed?

Yes, green tattoos can be removed with Enlighten tattoo removal. The laser targets all colors of tattoo ink, so it can effectively remove green ink pigments.

How long after tattoo removal can you swim?

It is important to wait at least 2 weeks after your tattoo removal treatment before swimming. This will allow the treated area to heal properly and reduce the risk of infection.

Can you workout after laser tattoo removal?

You should wait at least 24 hours after tattoo removal before swimming or working out. This gives your skin time to heal and prevents infection.

Is it easier to remove old or new tattoos?

New tattoos are generally easier to remove than old tattoos. This is because the ink in new tattoos is still relatively superficial and can be more easily broken down by the laser. Old tattoos may require more treatments to remove, as the ink has had time to sink deeper into the skin.

Does insurance cover tattoo removal?

Insurance does not cover tattoo removal.

Does tattoo removal work on dark skin?

Tattoo removal can be difficult on dark skin, as the pigmentation can make it difficult to see the tattoo ink. However, with new laser technology, tattoo removal on dark skin is becoming more and more possible.

Top Doctors 2024 - Dr. Margo Weishar

Written By:

Dr. Margo Weishar

Board Certified Dermatologist, Montgomery County

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