Treating Mask Acne Breakouts
If you’re currently experiencing acne from your mask, here are a few maskne treatments:
- Consider an antibacterial cleanser CLN if you have painful cysts or whiteheads. Benzoyl peroxide may be used to “spot treat” areas of breakouts.
Otherwise, clean your skin with a gentle cleanser containing glycolic acid if you are dry, and salicylic acid if you are oily. These compounds will help you to remove dirt and exfoliate dead skin cells instead of letting them build up and block pores.
Note: When cleaning, take care not to over-wash your face, as this can dry it out and trick the skin into thinking it needs to produce more oil.
- Realize that stress is a factor in breakouts and be kind to yourself during this time!
- If your mask acne persists despite the tips above, come in for a visit at our Philadelphia area office – we have many options that can help you maintain your skin health.
But most importantly: Wear a mask and social distance to save lives and end COVID-19 so we can all get back to life as we knew it – as soon as we can!